Jun 2, 2009


Uwaaaaaa :(
lamanya tak update apa2 kat sini. busyyyyyy sgt2 semenjak duamenjak nih.

26 April...
terima pekeliling dari SUK kena antar bajet 2010 sebelum 10 mei...10 mei? awal la pulak tahun ni... tahun2 lepas kena antar dalam bulan jun huhuhu. sejak awal bulan april memang dah edar pekeliling ke smua daerah utk submit bajet diorg sebelum 15 mei...agak2 sy ada 2 minggu lg hingga akhir mei utk compile and prepare bajet jabatan. nmpknya terpaksalah ubah jadual keja. 28-29 april kena gi langkawi pulak.

so balik je dari langkawi pada 30 april tu terus berkurung dalam bilik, hari2 tekan kalkulator. top-up belanja 2008-2009, tambah masuk dasar baru dan one-off, bos kata mintak cik akauntan mintak, jgn tak mintak. lulus ke tak lulus ke belakang kira, yg penting kita mintak! Yes bos, ok bos, no problem bos :-p akhirnya berjaya jugak disiapkan dan sempat antar ke SUK pada 10 mei...dateline tu!

6 april (betul 6 april ye..bukan 6 mei)...
terima surat dari jbtn audit negara...surat peringatan bahawa sehingga 31 mac 2009 penyata kewangan 2008 belum serah lagi utk di audit...iye iye iye i know that...bos tanya "cik akauntan, bila nk serah?"...cik akauntan jwb dlm hati "bila dh siap lah" hehehehee...sebenarnya sy jwb "secepat mungkin tuan"...bos balas "ok, jgn smpai dpt warning ke 2 pulak"....terasa tauuu!

makanya bermulalah episod "ke-tension-an" yg tak tau bila penghujungnya...tak daya nk fokus ke penyata tu aje...mana dgn rutin keje harian, mana dgn nk sedia lapuran2 utk mesyuarat2, mana dgn keje2 ad-hoc yg bos arah...kadang2 tu tak bersabit kewangan pun, tapi takpa sy yg menurut perintah...

balik je dari kursus di KL (17-20 mei) terus berkurung dlm bilik lg. target date penyata mesti siap sebelum 31 mei. alhamdulilah dipermudahkan segala urusan..hari sabtu 30 mei penyata siap...31 mei bos tandatangan...pagi 1 hb jun sy gi antar sendiri ke jbtn audit. pegawai audit kata diorg dh prepare draf lapuran jbtn yg belum serah penyata 2008 sehingga 31 mei utk Ketua Audit Negara...of cos jbtn sy turut tersenarai. maka sy pun mohon jasa baik audit utk keluarkan nama dari senarai tu utk elak drpd dpt surat peringatan ke 2. alasan sy penyata mmg dh siap 31 mei...tak sempat nk antar, sbb tu serah pd pagi 1 jun...dan dia setuju! Yes!! rasa lega yg amat sgt...berbaloi segala 'tension' sejak 2 bulan lepas.

tqvm to my bos sbb very understanding...dia tau dan faham beban tugas sy yg tk penah tamat...mulai 1hb jun sy dpt seorang penolong utk membantu sy...akhirnya...

most of all tqvm to my mom... sejak sy berada dlm dunia "ke-tension-an" selama 2 bulan lepas, mak amat memahami komitmen sy pd keja. kesian kat mak ... sy sentiasa berada dlm dunia kerja semata-mata... tapi mak tak pernah complain. malah sentiasa memberi ruang dan sokongan kpd sy....


INTAN said...

huwaaa...buat budget mmg mentensenkan...

kenari said...

intan...tau tak pe...

Kak Long said...

semoga dah tak tension lagi!

kasihnya ibu tu...
yang sentiasa memberi sokongan utk setiap anaknya.

kenari said...

Kak Long...tension yg beso2 dh lepas dh. Tinggal tension yg kecik2 ni biasa la dlm keje kan.

my mom is the best mom in the whole world...;)

Lee said...

Hi Kenari, you know, the last thing I ever expected when deciding to start a new life with my isteri here in Canada was reading Bahasa material or mail, as well getting to know Malay friends.

I grew up with lots of Malay friends, I dated more Malay girls than other nationalities.
As years went by, most of my good friends were Malay people, some young, some matured, even several VIPs, of whom a few still keeping in touch with me today.

One is the gentleman I introduced his wife to him.
You remember the posting I did? "A Malay girl and her destiny"? Yes..he is a titled VIP today or 'orang besar....been here to Toronto several times with the wife I introduced to him.

Even bought his in-laws or out-laws too, ha ha. Their first time in a plane and o/seas. To meet me again, the man who introduced their daughter to my good friend, her destiny.

Anyway, why I mention all the above...because I get the opportunity to read beautiful Bahasa compositions, mentions, rants, comments from friends like you.
I enjoyed reading your this comment, though regretfully can faham only 32%, ha ha. But still, its fun.

Never knew being in Canada I will experience what I experienced long ago.

You take it easy, relax and jagan overheat, overstrain Kenari, *wink*.
Stay beautiful and have a great week. Best regards, Lee.

kenari said...

Dearest UL...a suprised visit from u after quite some time ehhhh. Sorry that u have trouble understanding my bahasa. Actually nowadays we are all used to using "shortformed" terms as we used in SMS...therefore blogging also has become "shortformed". Semua sudah jadi malas kan.

Here is a few clue for u UL,
sy = saya
smua = semua
nmpk = nampak
dpt = dapat
jd = jadi

What happened to our spelling classes during primary school?

Lee said...

Hi Kenari, terima kaseh for the 'short cut' explanations, ha ha. Totally different to what I studied wayyyy before Merdeka, ha ha.

Re your 'Tension'...
Whats the difference between stress, tension and panic?

Stress is when wife is pregnant.
Tension is when girlfriend is pregnant.
And panic is when both are pregnant.

Ha ha ha, you have a nice day, Lee.

Jie said...

patut lama tak update......bz around the world rupenya

kenari said...

Salam kak jie..alhamdulilah keje2 berat dah settle. Skrg tgh training assistant sy tu, nmpk gaya orgnya berkebolehan dan komited. Lega....

Anonymous said...

Adoi...... kak tie pun tension... sabor je laa......

Kak tie tension dengan hal2 peribadi.. mujur hubby bagi support..hu hu...

kenari said...

Kak tie...sabo bnyk2 ye... sikap understanding dan supportive dr org2 tersyg di sekeliling kita bnyk membantu dlm menghadapi "ke-tension-an". moga kak tie tabah dan sukses ye

kuIna said...

ok la tu siap gak...
klu x dpt surat cinta lg la...

Mak Su said...

sabo, sabo..... pi pekena laksa dulu

Anonymous said...

Jangan tension-tension....

tarik nafas perlahan-lahan, lepas....uiiii, jgn kentut plak!

:D salam kenal.

Farid Rashidi said...


Sabar ya..istighfar banyak2 semoga Allah memudahkan urusan.

d0tbl0gsp0td0tk0m said...

hi.... sudi la ambik ini http://dotblogspotdotkom.blogspot.com/2009/06/istimewa-utk-semua.html dan tepek kat memana yg kamu suka...huhuhu

Anonymous said...

Masih tension lagi ke dek??

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